Shaggon Waggon

VW T1 - "Taff"
This bus was rescued near Rehoboth on a farm in central Namibia, with a few body parts cut out, but a solid base for a full restoration.

T1 Volkswagen Bus
Estimated as a 1957 Type 2 Volkswagen T1 Doublecab bus - with a fairly good basestill in tact. The pictures are just from the rescue - the bus in now on all 4 wheels again ready to be shipped.

Very rare Doublecab Bus
Doublecabs with a solid base are very rare to find these days. so we where very happy to have found this bus, even thou some parts where cut out it still has the chassis nr and is ready for restore.

Body Parts Missing
There are some body parts that have been cut out by the locals to build their houses, but these are mostly just straight sheets and can be easily restored if you know what you are doing!-)
FOR MORE PICTURES, PRICE AND INFO CONTACT US BELOW(we also ship worldwide and arrange transport documents for export)